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3D Snow Screensaver

3D Snow Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It snows on your desktop does not prevent job [...] Falling snowflakes gradually create snowy cover on your desktop , Christmas screensaver / Celebratory dance 3d snowflakes on your desktop.

Everyone the snowflake is individual forms of snowflakes in accuracy never repeat ; It is possible to make snowflakes big or small bright or transparent : Snowflakes can slowly to fall or to begin to whirl a snowstorm sn Lire la suite

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
"t t t trick or t t t treat?" do the eggheads get scrambled? poached? deviled? do they survive? what terrors lie in wait? or does old man skelly have the best candy in the neighborhood? find out what happens to our scared little eggheads and download this year's altools spooky haunted house halloween desktop wallpapers.

Old man skelly cracked the bones in his cold hands as he stared out the dusty window , Trick or treat with these spooky haunted house..."t t Lire la suite

The Calculator

The Calculator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A simple interface and the fact that the calculator hides in the system tray means that the program occupies just a small part of your display and does not cover your data in other applications [...] Small and handy calculator which supports compound expressions , The calculator is small and handy.

It supports compound expressions bit operations unlimited number of user variables and constants and works with various types of...a sim Lire la suite

Mister Alibi Windows Cleaner

Mister Alibi Windows Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can even populate the recent document menu with innocent files and fill media player\s history list with fake names! also compatible with over 150 plugins for cleaning every program imaginable! keep sites that should not be removed from internet explorer\s history and drop down url list keep cookies that store important login information select which files should populate the "recent documents" list even if you haven\t opened them recently! populate history lists in c Lire la suite


As-U-Read pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The window is small and being shown in a smart way: it does not cover any text you are reading and will disappear automatically if you move your mouse out of the word [...] The os level quick and easy one click english dictionary for online reading , As you read through on screen text and encounter a new word just click it with your mouse to view the meaning in a small tooltip like window.

You'll read faster and easier! as u read is an os level quick and...the w Lire la suite


Tag&Rename pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Tag&rename supports many files and tags standards in an easy and intuitive way so you can work with music metadata and not have to think about files codecs and tags versions tag&rename does it all.

Tag&rename supports many additional tag fields including lyrics cover art rating mood disc # classical music fields composer conductor etc , With tag&rename you can automatically fix and complete file tags using online freedb database load titles and cover...tag&r Lire la suite

DVD to MP4

DVD to MP4 pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Dvd to mp4 does not only support normal dvd vob format but also supports the blue ray dvd m2ts format [...] Rip & convert dvd and blue ray dvd into mp4 and more popular video formats , Dvd to mp4 is a windows freeware tool that rips normal dvd & blue ray dvd to mp4 and more video formats and then you can watch movies on the pc or save them much easier.

Besides converting to standard mpeg4 video format dvd to mp4 also supports h264 video codec...dvd t Lire la suite

Cover 3D

Cover 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cover 3d le logiciel de menuiserie aluminium et pvc indispensable pour tous les menuisiers de métier [...] Téléchargez gratuitement le logiciel cover 3d et profitez d’un maximum d’outils pour élaborer tous vos plans de menuiserie.

Vous êtes menuisier et cherchez une solution optimisée pour gérer toutes les tâches liées à votre travail ? cover 3d est fait pour vous ! ce logiciel permet de réaliser les...cover Lire la suite


PCSpeedUP pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Com: "our tests confirmed that pcspeedup does indeed make a pc run faster with impro diagnoses your windows system.

Pcspeedup helps to work your pc faster , The one solution to all your pc speed issues! pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves computers speed and safeguards system performance / Tested by softwaretested | Since diagnosis is half the cure ; Pcspeedup diagnoses and runs a comprehensive checkup Lire la suite

Cover Android

Cover Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Cover permet de vous faire voir en un clin d’œil les applications dont vous avez besoin selon l'endroit où vous êtes.

Au travail à la maison ou dans les transports cover vous accompagnera partout et vous facilitera la vie , Cover vous aide à avoir un accès rapide aux apps que vous souhaitez au bon moment / Les paramètres de cover permettent également de choisir  en fonction de l'endroit où vous êtes...cover Lire la suite

Disc Cover

Disc Cover pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Disc cover est un logiciel d’édition graphique spécialement dédié à la réalisation de jaquettes et d’étiquettes pour les cd et dvd.

Disc cover est un logiciel qui dispose de tous les outils nécessaires pour réaliser des jaquettes et des étiquettes de qualité pour les cd et dvd , Disc cover met à disposition un grand nombre de maquettes réparties en plusieurs catégories selon les évènements...disc Lire la suite

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
The software is a non destructive and read only utility that does not damage data on the media in any way.

A powerful yet easy to use professional data recovery utility to recover data , A powerful yet easy to use professional data recovery utility to recover your data from deleted formatted damaged or corrupted partitions / Applexsoft data recovery professional is a powerful yet easy to use complete data recovery utility enabling...the s Lire la suite

Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019. pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
The nero backitup backup combo offers local automatic backup to hard disks external storage cd/dvd/blu ray and your very own personal online hard disk for that extra bit of data security! our zero hassle backup plans cover your pc laptop tablet and even android smartphone and protect you from data loss in just three easy steps [...] éditer.

Convertir / Graver | Nero standard 2019 est la merveille de votre vie...the n Lire la suite

Audials Music

Audials Music pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
++top hits every week for free++ rock charts music video charts pop music charts dance charts us single charts and 80s charts: audials fulfills all music wishes! ++automatically get the music tracks in any desired end format with all its id3 tags album images and even the song lyrics++ ++conversion of all recorded audio files for usage on pc smartphone tablet game console included! ++ ++media center++ music management music universe complete id3 tags cover images and song lyrics...++top Lire la suite

Animated Wallpaper: Snowy Desktop 3D

Animated Wallpaper: Snowy Desktop 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Animated falling snowflakes on your desktop does not prevent job.

Celebratory dance 3d snowflakes on your desktop , Snowy desktop 3d is perfect to get you in the mood for the winter holidays / A beautiful snow scene with falling snow on your desktop blue sky trees covered with snow | Snowy desktop 3d animated wallpaper is perfect to get you in the mood for the winter holidays ; Several wonderful landscapesanima Lire la suite


BastaPix pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
The program is advanced enough to cover the needs of professional designers and simple enough to accommodate casual users [...] Utilitaires de capture écran , Bastapix est une collection d'outils intégrés pour l'écran avec une loupe une jauge une capture d'écran un sélecteur de couleur la visualisation du presse papiers.

Le logiciel que doivent avoir les graphistes ingénieurs et amateurs | Bastapix is an integrated collection of...the p Lire la suite

Best data recovery

Best data recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Best data recovery program gets back lost directories from virus infected drives micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted or crashed.

Best data recovery program easily retrieves missing official document audio songs video clips digital images and other typ micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted Lire la suite

Accordion Menu Advancer for Dreamveawer

Accordion Menu Advancer for Dreamveawer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
It saves your time as it does not require hand coding dreamweaver extension is an advanced and easy to use tool that makes accordion css menus on your website easily [...] It saves your time as it does not require any css/javascript knowledges.

Advanced accordion css menu maker with intuitive gui and many predefined styles / Dreamweaver extension is an advanced tool that creates accordion css menus on your website easily | It has sa Lire la suite

RSS Feed Generator

RSS Feed Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
No need to know xml! the rss generator does everything right from supporting all rss fields to giving a way to format your postings without learning html.

Generate rss feeds and itunes podcasts without learning xml , Create rss feeds and itunes podcasts without having to know xml / Absolute rss editor automates the entire process of generating rss feeds allowing anyone to start publishing web news feeds in the popular format ne Lire la suite

WareSoft Sudoku

WareSoft Sudoku pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Sudoku does not require any special math skills or calculations [...] Challenge your brain with waresoft sudoku , See how fast you can solve a puzzle.

Each puzzle has 9 3x3 grids to solve | It is a simple and fun game of logic ; All that you need is your brains and concentration : To solve sudoku you must enter numbers 1 9 in each row without repeating any numbers and not repeat any numbers in a 3x3 grid...sudok Lire la suite