digidna pics aid


Clowp pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
You can add your favorite graphic files then upload them to an existing public album or create a dedicated gallery if you want your pics to remain private.

Use your wallpapers on all your copmuters if you own several computers laptops notebooks or desktop pcs you probably have a different desktop wallpapers on each of them since selecting the same one on all of them can be a time consuming task , However you can rely on clowp to simplify this job if you own...you c Lire la suite


KoZiBox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Il permet d'obtenir les pics de puissance en chauffage/climatisation et les énergies sous forme de bilan ou de courbes.

Version gratuite de kozibox pour la consommation énergétique d'un bâtiment , La version gratuite de kozibox est une calculette de détermination de la consommation de chauffage et de climatisation d'un bâtiment en fonction du climat de la composition des parois et vitrages des charges internes de l'occupation etc / Kozibox...il pe Lire la suite

Let it Goat iOS

Let it Goat iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Vous serez rapidement en présence de pics qu’il faudra éviter ainsi que de zombies qui essayeront de vous arrêter.

Contrôlez une petite chèvre au milieu d’une multitude de pièges , Let it goat a pour ambition d’être le nouveau flappy bird / Il reprend les mêmes graphismes rétro et des contrôles similaires pour diriger mounty une chèvre au milieu d’un monde de zombies | Let it goat est un jeu au...vous Lire la suite

Smart Defrag 6

Smart Defrag 6 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Il fonctionne automatiquement et silencieusement en arrière plan sur votre pc en gardant votre disque disponible pendant les pics sans aucun temps d'arrêt [...] Défragmentation automatique des disques serveur en quelques minutes.

Ne défragmente pas seulement mais optimise également les performances du disque / La défragmentation du disque dur lui assure une meilleure performance et une rapidité d'exécution des...il fo Lire la suite

Paper Icon Library

Paper Icon Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Let the popularity of your development grow with the aid of paper icon library.

Introduce attention getting icons into your program and let your business grow , Paper icon library will help the user to trim their developments with smart and stylish icons / It is very important because in terms of statistics the most frequently viewed programs and websites are those which have eye catching icons | Paper icon library is an ideal assistant...let t Lire la suite

TwelveKeys Music Transcription Assistant

TwelveKeys Music Transcription Assistant pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An aid to assist musicians in learning and transcribing music recordings twelvekeys is an aid to assist musicians in learning and transcribing music recordings [...] Music transcription assistant software.

It is able to accurately detect notes in both simple single instrument recordings as well as complex polyphonic compositionsan ai Lire la suite

Natura Sound Therapy

Natura Sound Therapy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Instant relaxation concentration or sleep aid for improved quality of life.

Natura is the ideal software tool to improve your quality of life , Natura can help you concentrate for work or study unwind and relax or even fall asleep more quickly / Natura sound therapy software is the ideal tool to improve your quality of life | You can quickly achieve states of relaxation or concentration with natura ; Featuring 34 nature...insta Lire la suite

PhotoOnWeb Album Creator

PhotoOnWeb Album Creator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
No more time wasted on sending your pics by email one by one to share them with friends and family with photoonweb you have your own website and you just have to send the link! the software offers quick and easy creation and customization of the album [...] Create customized photo albums and host them on the internet.

Photoonweb is a software to create your online photo albums / Easy for sharing your pictures on internet with your friends and family or...no mo Lire la suite

PingCOPA Network Monitoring Software

PingCOPA Network Monitoring Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Pingcopa network monitoring software is an aid for network engineers when monitoring and diagnosing ip network problems [...] Pingcopa network monitoring software for network engineers , Alarm conditions can trigger speach output email or activate an application / Speech output is provided to enable you to work on cables and hardware without looking at the computer monitor when testing ip network problems.

Continuously monitor network...pingc Lire la suite


vManage pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Vmanage allows you to organize and manage the testing process by providing tools that aid in bug tracking and test and requirements management [...] Vmanage allows you to organize and manage the testing process by providing tools that aid in bug tracking test and requirements management , Vmanage allows you to organize and manage your overall testing process.

A web based interface lets you share testing information among team members who are integrated...vmana Lire la suite

Energy Spy

Energy Spy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
We have created such aid for you it's energy spy [...] Energy spy easy helps to control power functions of your computer , The program controls the computer's power according to your schedule.

You can restart the computer leave it on standby or turn it off using a schedule you create beforehand hot keys or the command line | Sometimes a pc user has to perform many monotonous routine actions for example when there is a need to turn off...we ha Lire la suite

Registry First Aid

Registry First Aid pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Si vous êtes fatigué des crash windows des plantages répétés et de la lenteur de chargement de vos programmes pensez à essayer registry first aid vous serez peut être surpris par le nombre d'erreurs identifiées dans votre base de registre si vous êtes fatigué des crash windows des plantages répétés et de la lenteur de chargement de vos programmes pensez à essayer registry first aid vous serez peut être surpris par le nombre d'erreurs identifiées dans votre base de registre...si vo Lire la suite

Clay Aiken Screensaver

Clay Aiken Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free pics of clay aiken in lots of different poses and photos.

Lots of free full size high quality clay aiken photos , Including: candid shots magazine pictorials stage performances sexy poses +many more / Includes: "sticky note" feature; use any image as desktop wallpaper; transition effects; more | The screensaver also includes: "sticky note" feature for custom on screen messaging; use any image as your desktop wallpaper; 100+...free Lire la suite

Brad Pitt Screensaver

Brad Pitt Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free pics of brad pitt in lots of different poses and photos.

Lots of free full size high quality brad pitt photos , Including: candid shots magazine pictorials movie scenes sexy shirtless poses +many more / Includes: "sticky note" feature; use any image as desktop wallpaper; transition effects; more | The screensaver also includes: "sticky note" feature for custom on screen messaging; use any image as your desktop wallpaper; 100+...free Lire la suite


LogiPic pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Logipic va vous permettre de programmer vos pics microchip de la très populaire série 16fxxx de manière très très simple.

Logiciel de programmation graphique des microcontrôleurs pic , Logipic permet de mettre en oeuvre des programmes à partir de logigrammes saisis à l'écran / Le logigramme est traduit en langage "assembleur" et mpasm se charge de le compiler en code hexadécimal directement utilisable par les pic | Encore...logip Lire la suite


MIDIView pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Midiview is a utility to aid in previewing and printing midi files in musical notation [...] Print sheet music from midi files , Midiview is a lightweight tool for previewing and printing musical scores imported from midi files.

The software provides multi track importing of midi files | This tool displays running notes during playback ; Midiview is a lightweight and easy to use utility for previewing and printing midi files ...midiv Lire la suite


MacBreakZ pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
The main applications for macbreakz are to prevent repetitive strain injuries rsi and promote healthy and pain free computing to aid the recovery from repetitive strain injuries.

Promotes healthy computer use and prevents headaches eye strain backache rsi macbreakz is a personal ergonomic assistant which monitors our keyboard and mouse activity and helps us structure our computer use in a healthy and constructive manner thus preventing computer related injuries from...the m Lire la suite


ergonomix pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
The main applications for ergonomix are to prevent repetitive strain injuries rsi and promote healthy and pain free computing to aid the recovery from repetitive strain injuries.

Promotes healthy computer use and prevents headaches eye strain backache rsi , Ergonomix is a personal ergonomic assistant which monitors our keyboard and mouse activity and helps us structure our computer use in a healthy and constructive manner thus preventing computer related...the m Lire la suite

enable Encore

enable Encore pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Use the transposition facilities to aid you in writing music or transcribing pieces you don't have sheet music for.

Enable encore performs real time tuning for a range of instruments , Enable encore is a powerful instrument tuner and metronome which provides precision tuning and interval timing with a range of preset instrument tunings styles and transpositions and preset and custom speed intervals / Enable encore performs real time tuning for a...use t Lire la suite

VSprint Personal Trainer

VSprint Personal Trainer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Vsprint est accessible à tous grâce à une interface graphique agréable et entièrement personnalisable permettant d'utiliser facilement un nombre incroyable de fonctionnalités : compatible avec les compteurs du marché : polar garmin powertap srm ciclosport multi sports nombre illimité travail avec la puissance et la fréquence cardiaque : zones de travail détermination des charges de travail trimps tss pics de performance analyse du travail effectué ...vspri Lire la suite