dictionary english to urdu

Dictionary Browser

Dictionary Browser pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Permet d'accéder à google translate abbyy lingvo et multitran [...] Offre un accès facile aux dictionnaires en ligne populaires : google translate multitran abbyy lingvo , Cette liste sera élargie.

C'est un bon outil pour les traducteurs en particulier pour ceux qui utilisent l'anglais et le russeperme Lire la suite


AlbionXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
English explanatory dictionary that enables you to easily look up over 145 000 words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis english explanatory dictionary enables you to easily look up the meanings of english words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis.

Electronic english explanatory dictionary , Here are some of the...engli Lire la suite

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation and excercises [...] Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation , The dictionary is organized by topic in small units / It contains frequently used words and expressions with english translation and ready made excercises to master the material | Ideal if you go to croatia and want to speak some croatian.

Each unit contains two excercises to...free Lire la suite


As-U-Read pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The os level quick and easy one click english dictionary for online reading.

You'll read faster and easier! as u read is an os level quick and easy one click english dictionary system for online reading , As you read through on screen text and encounter a new english word that you wish to know the meaning just use your mouse and control right click the word; as u read will instantly and conveniently show you the word's meaning in a small tooltip like window next...the o Lire la suite

Real Cricket 19 Android

Real Cricket 19 Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
For our english speaking readers : everything you need to know about the latest update [...] Le prochain opus de la série real cricket a été confirmé ! real cricket 19 est le prochain titre de la série des real cricket , Il s’agit d’un jeu particulièrement apprécié par les fans de cricket pour son gameplay réaliste et ses tournois.

Real cricket 19 est un jeu développé par nautilus mobile | Il s’agit...for o Lire la suite


MP4toMP3 pour mac
Logiciel Saas Saas
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean [...] Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats.

Features: 100% free to use compatible with all modern web browsers supports most...no so Lire la suite

Alerte Nettoyage PC

Alerte Nettoyage PC pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
To download the english version of the program please download it from my website: http://programmation [...] Ce logiciel vous averti lorsqu'il est temps de faire le nettoyage avec des logiciels gratuits.

Pour garder des performances optimales il faut de temps en temps faire le nettoyage dans son pc / Ce logiciel vous rappelle tous les 30 jours pour faire le nettoyage dans votre pc afin d'optimiser ses performances supprimer les fichiers...to do Lire la suite


UpdateDateTime pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
English : this handy software resets the system time when the battery from the motherboard is faulty.

For laptops it is sometimes difficult to change the battery , You have nothing else to do / Since this is the time and date that gmt is recovered you need to adjust the time zone for those of your country | Due to the time zone the program is compatible to almost all countries except countries before 45 minutes...engli Lire la suite

Apprendre les kana

Apprendre les kana pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To download the english version of the program please download it from my website: http://programmation [...] Ce logiciel vous permet de mémoriser les kana de la famille des hiragana et katakana.

Vous êtes intéressé e par la langue japonaise ? ce logiciel vous aidera à mémoriser les kana de la famille des hiragana et katakana / Ils y sont tous : seion yoon seion dakuon yoon dakuon handakuon yoon handakuon et...to do Lire la suite

PravIcon.com orthodox icon guide

PravIcon.com orthodox icon guide pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
English and russian interface for any windows version [...] Enjoy viewing orthodox icons off line with the easy to use english or russian interface , When connected to the internet you can double click on your favorite icons in the icon list to see numerous variations of it and read the history of each icon.

Portable offline catalog of orthodox icons the mother of god and jesus christ | Enjoy viewing orthodox icons off line anywhere ...engli Lire la suite

Marées dans le Monde (English)

Marées dans le Monde (English) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Txt read me english [...] After reading read me english , 00 contains a database that allows to predict the tide with an accuracy sufficient for the needs of navigation in approximately 9 500 places in the world.

Corrections allow to deduce the water height at any time in 5 418 subordinate stations | Through the authorization of the legos laboratoire d'etudes en géophysique et océanographie spatiale you have the opportunity to exploit...txt Lire la suite

Invoicer © Assemple

Invoicer © Assemple pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Note that it is the first version of my first english application [...] Then please excuse me for bad english and any mispell , Exe don't touch to windows register database a very easy and powerful invoicing sofware / Invoicer © assemple manages articles customer quotes orders and invoices | A very easy and powerful invoicing sofware.

Invoicer © assemple manages 5 files : articles customer quotes orders...note Lire la suite

Safe Calculator

Safe Calculator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Safe calulator exists in english french italian german spanish portuguese [...] What could be more banal than windows calculator ! this calculator clone fully operational is a very discreet safe for your usb or laptop allowing you to move your ids passwords.

This calculator clone fully operational is a very discreet safe allowing you to move your ids passwords / Visit the website to download other languages commands enter your pin in memory ...safe Lire la suite

Easy IE Translator

Easy IE Translator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Automatically translating between english french german italian spanish portuguese dutch greek russian chinese japanese and korean sarmsoft ie translator preserves the original pictures and formatting of the web site for smooth browsing.

Translate web pages with a single click! sarmsoft ie translator empowers your web browser with a translation toolbar that enables you to browse web sites in foreign languages without speaking a word , Browse web sites in...autom Lire la suite

LastBit Skype Password Recovery

LastBit Skype Password Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password you have to use brute force attack or dictionary attack [...] Skype password is a tool to recover lost passwords for skype.

Skype password is very fast however if the password is very long and complex it may take a lot of time to find the password / Skype password is a password recovery tool for skype | In a few clicks the program will display passwords for all skype users on the pc it was...to re Lire la suite

LastBit FireFox Password Recovery

LastBit FireFox Password Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the master password you have to use the universal password recovery methods such as brute force attack and dictionary attack [...] Firefox password is a tool to recover lost passwords for firefox web browser , Firefox password recovers firefox master password and saved login passwords / Firefox password displays all the login information stored by firefox.

For each item the url login name and password will be...to re Lire la suite

Cafe Server

Cafe Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
In the period before the introduction of the euro reviews for sales checking exports reviews to various formats statistical information about internet cafe visit rate simple and quick installation easy operation of the software multi language user interface english czech other languages in preparation installation requirements cafe server operating system ms windows vista/xp/2000/nt4/me/98/95 cafe client operating system ms windows or linux local area...in th Lire la suite


WinNc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Winnc is available in the following languages : english german dutch french spanish [...] It has shortcuts to all the windows 7 special folders and the multiple tabbed interface allows you to organize your data by projects.

Projects can include files and folders from all over the disks that relate to the project tab and are stored virtually in the project folder as a link / Winnc allows you to perform multiple tasks by setting the maximum parallel...winnc Lire la suite

Forgot Administrator Password

Forgot Administrator Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using advanced dictionary attack methods it can recover the vast majority of passwords quickly [...] The application can also be set up to be used from a bootable usb flash drive , Elcomsoft system recovery is the way if you forgot administrator password.

Elcomsoft system recovery is the perfect solution if you forgot administrator password | Using advanced methods of password recovery it can retrieve almost any lost windows administrator...using Lire la suite

Visual Spell Demo

Visual Spell Demo pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Improve the spelling skills of english speaking children in the age 6 10.

The objective of this program is to improve the spelling reading and vocabulary skills of english speaking children in the age 6 10 , Visualspell challenges players to use reasoning skills to match a word from their existing vocabulary that best represents a pictorial scenario connected in some way to a designated word / However all ages may find it enjoyableimpro Lire la suite