cursor jumps around

Cursor Translator

Cursor Translator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Obtenir des traductions instantanément d'un mot n'importe où sur l'écran.

Obtenir des traductions instantanément d'un mot ou phrase n'importe où sur l'écran en plus de 12 langages anglais français allemand italien espagnol portugais hollandais grecs russes japonais chinois coréens , Obtenir des traductions instantanément d'un mot ou phrase n'importe où sur l'écran en plus de 12 langages anglais français allemand italien espagnol ...obten Lire la suite

Crawler Fun Ball

Crawler Fun Ball pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Play & relax with fun ball on your desktop throw it up or aside it jumps back! play with fun ball on your desktop for free and access your toolbar menu with a right click on the ball.

Toss it all around it bounces right back , Don't ever get bored again! play with fun ball on your desktop for free and access your toolbar menu with a right click on the ball / Don't ever get bored again! you can use also a free customizable Lire la suite

ABF Magnifying Tools

ABF Magnifying Tools pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The set contains: cursor eye a following cursor tool that moves near the mouse cursor and magnifies the screen area around it [...] Magnifier a magnifying panel that shows the area around the cursor in different zooms , Abf magnifying tools is a set of tools for viewing the screen in different zooms.

Abf magnifying tools is a set of useful graphics tools for viewing the screen area in different zooms | Each tool has its unique behavior...the s Lire la suite

DJ Mixer Express for Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is used around the world by bedroom djs and professional superstars alike [...] The ideal beat matching and dj mixing software for windows , An ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros features include beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless looping automatic gain master tempo mix any songs from itunes record mixes as well as multiple effects.

Dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners is Lire la suite

Easy Video Capture for Windows

Easy Video Capture for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
  very easy to use screen to video recorder software for video recording purpose including video audio and cursor options [...] You may change the options for recording add text to video record video with audio choose to record mouse cursor or not blink the area border when recording and so on , Support recording mouse cursor on screen     10.

Support enhancing mouse cursor when clicking     11 | A...  Lire la suite

Easy Video Recorder for Mac

Easy Video Recorder for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
You may change the options for recording add text to video record video with audio choose to record mouse cursor or not blink the area border when recording and so on [...] A video capturing tool for recording your screen activities into quicktime video.

Easy video recorder for mac is a video capturing tool for recording your screen activities into quicktime video format in real time / Very easy to use screen to video recorder Lire la suite

Red Eclipse

Red Eclipse pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Côté fonctionnalités vos personnages auront la capacité d’utiliser des jet packs et d’effectuer des wall runs ou wall jumps pour attaquer et esquiver.

Un fps futuriste au gameplay riche et varié red eclipse nouvel arrivant dans la longue liste des jeux fps du célèbre moteur quake iii vous plonge dans un univers futuriste où les bruitages ne déplairont pas , Paramétrable à souhait le gameplay est varié et...c&oci Lire la suite


BastaPix pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Bastapix features include multi shape screen capture with or without the cursor multi shape object measurement color picking editing and reporting document management hot key access and much more [...] Utilitaires de capture écran , Bastapix est une collection d'outils intégrés pour l'écran avec une loupe une jauge une capture d'écran un sélecteur de couleur la visualisation du presse papiers.

Le logiciel que doivent avoir les graphistes ...basta Lire la suite

BenDviewClip Dview

BenDviewClip Dview pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Insert un bloc "1view dir flat" for the target by rotating it around the target of the user coordinate system ucs xyz to the viewing direction.

Clipping planes for isolating parts of the model to facilitate viewing , Clipping planes for isolating parts of the model space to facilitate viewing / Creating the view in model space with the clipping planes | The view is shown perpendicular to the viewing...inser Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
And parental controls are easy to get around by tech savvy kids and have no effect at all on suspicious acting spouses.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Refog keylogger for mac removes the secrecy from family computer activities / Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating...and p Lire la suite

Dragon Jumper Free Edition

Dragon Jumper Free Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The jumps on the lily pads require a lot of energy; therefore dragon should eat at every turn [...] Jump with little dragon in the lake eat fruits collect diamonds and prizes.

Jump with funny dragon in the lake to eat fruits collect prizes diamonds and avoid evil monsters / Monsters want to catch and eat him | They are fast and cruel ; In order to live a long life try to be quick and smart : Little dragon lives...the j Lire la suite

Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party!

Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party! pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Return to the farm to create your favorite food! return to the farm to create the ingredients you need to make pizzas that will be enjoyed around the world! return to the farm to create your favorite food! grow grass feed animals and collect produce and then turn your goods into the ingredients you need to make pizzas that will be enjoyed around the world!retur Lire la suite


Filord pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Filord is a timesaver for excel users around the world [...] Filord is a new tool in your hands designed to automate excel related tasks , Now you are the boss! get the results with less efforts ever possible! working with tabular data? compare files / Find unique and duplicate values.

Modify data and more! reports minutes tables it's time to take control over it! filord is a new tool in your hands designed to automate excel related...filor Lire la suite


EmEx3 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
And you won't have to update emex 3 every time there's a new search engine around the search actions regexp and javascript are key words are stored on our servers and are updated almost in real time! emex 3 is designed and implemented just right.

Gather contact information from web sites grab email or icq info automatically , Emex 3 automates the process of collecting information from one or many web sites extracts and organizes useful bits of information...and y Lire la suite

AVS Media Player

AVS Media Player pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
And enjoy the sound around effect [...] Watch video play audio view pictures with avs media player , Open various video formats such as avi mpeg mp4 vob wmv etc / With avs media player | Play audio files with popular extensions such as mp3 m4a wma flac wav aac etc ; View images like bmp jpeg png etc : As a slideshow.

Watch mpeg avi rm qt wmv 3gp mp4 ...and e Lire la suite

Pairtrade Finder

Pairtrade Finder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With free data to analyze over 100 000 stocks from stock exchanges all around the world including nyse nasdaq amex lse tse and asx you will never be short of unique trading opportunities [...] Pairtrade finder is proprietary stock trading system software used by hedge fund pairtrade finder is proprietary stock trading system software used by hedge funds fund managers and professional traders with buy and sell signals specializing in the highly profitable style of pairs...with Lire la suite

Hankering Habitats

Hankering Habitats pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The game takes you around the world to explore the inhabitants from land biomes that range from the deepest dark rainforest to the frozen tundra.

Game about the habitats that exist on earth and the organisms that live in them , The purpose of this game is to teach students about the habitats biomes that exist on earth and the organisms that live in them / It is targeted toward upper elementary and middle school students | This...the g Lire la suite

Cavern Escape

Cavern Escape pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Click on the arrows on the screen to maneuver around the cavern [...] Find a way out of the mysterious cavern in this adventure game , Use whatever objects you find along with the surrounding environment to plot your escape.

Use the mouse to interact with the environment and items in your inventory | Left click on an item and then click on a part of the environment to use the item on the selected partclick Lire la suite

iStudio Publisher

iStudio Publisher pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Istudio publisher is an easy to use desktop publishing and design application which lets users draw shapes run text inside and around the shapes and place images within them at the same time [...] Istudio publisher is an easy to use desktop publishing and design application.

The software includes a shape library of commonly used items / Other features include dynamic text wrapping linking between shapes zoom to 5000 percent and live formatting during...istud Lire la suite

Spyware 24x7

Spyware 24x7 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Around the clock protection from spyware adware and malware [...] Spyware24x7 provide around the clock protection from spyware adware and malware.

Powered by lavasoft's antispyware software solution spyware 24x7 pro offers advanced real time protection while protecting your computer and your indentity / Powered by lavasoft's antispyware software solution spyware 24x7 pro offers advanced real time protection while protecting your computer your...aroun Lire la suite