clear google search history

Clear Clipboard

Clear Clipboard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Clear clipboard vide le presse papiers de windows en moins d'une seconde.

Un utilitaire pour vider le presse papiers de windows , Il supprime le contenu du presse papier pour qu'il soit videclear Lire la suite

Clear Fashion iOS

Clear Fashion iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Connaissez vous vraiment vos marques de vêtements préférées ? clear fashion est une application ios qui permet de savoir si vos marques de vêtements préférées sont engagées autour de différentes thématiques comme les animaux la santé ou l’environnement.

Savez vous vraiment si vos marques de vêtements préférées font des efforts pour l’environnement si elles protègent les animaux ou si elles offrent des conditions de travail...conna Lire la suite

Clear Fashion Android

Clear Fashion Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Savez vous si votre marque préférée est éco responsable ? clear fashion est une application android qui permet de mieux savoir comment se comportent certaines marques de vêtements en ce qui concerne leur impact sur l’environnement [...] Si vous voulez savoir précisément si votre marque de vêtement préférée fait quelque chose pour l’environnement ou si le jean que vous portez a été fabriqué dans de bonnes...savez Lire la suite

Clear History

Clear History pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Permet d'effacer automatiquement des données au démarrage de windows [...] Permet d'effacer automatiquement des données au démarrage de windows documents récents programmes exécutés fichiers et ordinateurs recherchés cache i , E / Cookies i | Historique i.

Répertoire temporaire ce petit programme vous permet d'effacer les listes bouton démarrer de win95/98/me/nt/2000 : des documents ouverts des...perme Lire la suite

Internet Trace Destroyer

Internet Trace Destroyer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Clear web browser's online history delete cookies temporary internet files index [...] Dat files recent document lists recently typed information search history and other traces , Erase history and tracks of your online activity before somebody reveals you / Erase all traces of your online activity before somebody reveals you.

Erase all traces of your online activity before it's too late ; This software is easy to use and...clear Lire la suite

Seavus Project Viewer

Seavus Project Viewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
En outre seavus project search vous permet également de rechercher des projets à partir de google desktop search et windows desktop search.

Seavus project search est le seul outil qui recherche des informations dans les fichiers mpp , Seavus project viewer est une visionneuse pour les fichiers de microsoft project seavus project viewer est une visionneuse pour les fichiers de microsoft project / Il s'agit d'un logiciel de rapport coût efficacité...en ou Lire la suite

DriveClone Pro 7

DriveClone Pro 7 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Principales nouveautés sauvegarde et compression améliorées : sauvegardez jusqu’à 90% plus rapidement ! outil google desktop search intégré pour rechercher vos images de sauvegardes plus rapidement explorateur de fichiers en mode pré os navigation web en mode pré os compatible windows 7.

La solution “tout en un” de sauvegarde restauration et clonage , Faites face à tout imprévu : attaque virale crash système mauvaise...princ Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Plus if users know what they are expecting to find they can do an event search and see the hard evidence immediately.

Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to monitor a comprehensive history of visited sites opened applications and typed messages without the user even knowing the software has been installed , In addition to Lire la suite

SEO PowerSuite Tools

SEO PowerSuite Tools pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Get top google rankings fast and at ease download seo powersuite tools! a secret to top google rankings? just get seo powersuite and hit "run" the seo software will do the rest: help you optimize your content for keywords improve your site's crawlability get thousands of high pr backlinks check rankings and more! best seo software on the market? you're looking at it.

Is it safe? you bet work behind proxies set the software to imitate human like search behavior use api...get t Lire la suite

GSA Radio Stream Recorder

GSA Radio Stream Recorder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Simply search within the program for your favourite genre or artist and the program will try to deliver a matching radio station that you can chose to record [...] See a band history and pictures.

Records unlimited streams at one time buy the full album of the music you are recording online automatically complete id3tag information with genre album name track number and album year get details about the band you are hearing band history pictures ...simpl Lire la suite

Linkman Lite

Linkman Lite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Bookmark organizer for firefox google chrome internet explorer and opera.

Integrating with google chrome firefox internet explorer and opera browsers linkman gives you the power to efficiently organize bookmarks and favorites! linkman is a standalone browser independent bookmark organizer and search tool , Integrating with chrome firefox internet explorer and opera browsers linkman gives you the power to efficiently organize bookmarks and favorites! you...bookm Lire la suite


Jobs-Toolbar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Furthermore with direct links to job offers of small and medium sized enterprises in germany of course google search is also included.

Jobs & career toolbar get matching vacancies pushed to your browser , Jobs and career infos with helpful links about local job markets like berlin munich cologne frankfurt hamburg stuttgart and many more / Furthermore with direct links to job offers of small and medium sized enterprises in germanyfurth Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Pro

Excel Invoice Manager Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The pro edition of the billing software/invoice software includes a powerful search bar which is available in all the main windows customers products invoices [...] For any field available you can choose from the following operators to define your search criterion: is less than is greater than contains starts with ends with equals.

For example to find the customer whose name contains "bill" you can define your search as "customer name contains...the p Lire la suite

Tiny Keyword Tracker TKT

Tiny Keyword Tracker TKT pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Run tiny keyword tracker! tiny keyword tracker will track positions and rankings of your search terms with google completely automatic no overhead [...] Run tiny keyword tracker! tiny keyword tracker will track positions and rankings of your search terms with google , Tiny keyword tracker tracking & ranking tool simple easy solution / Tiny keyword tracker tracking & ranking tool tkt simple & easy solution.

1 ; t Lire la suite

The Family Tree of Family

The Family Tree of Family pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The program is easy to use and features a clear and beautiful interface [...] A program for the preservation of a history and genealogical family tree , The program is intended for the preservation of a history and construction of a genealogical tree of families.

Create a detailed list of family members add biographies photos and video materialsthe p Lire la suite

Audio and Video Howtos

Audio and Video Howtos pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Dozens of clear and detailed "how to" instructions to solve any problem [...] Only the best multimedia programs are represented usage instructions are clear and complete , Don't waste your time downloading and installing one useless program after another in the search for a solution grab this ultimate book of multimedia recipes!.

This free tool contains a huge database of detailed "how to" instructions that will help you answer any particular question...dozen Lire la suite

GSA Cleandrive

GSA Cleandrive pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
There is a big market where money is made by simply tracking your online behavior what sites you surf what you like to search for.

This award winning antispy software deletes your history of activities on your pc , Software that cleans up your system from privacy violations and make it faster / Get rid of most of the privacy violations you get each day | It deletes all internet traces like the web sites you have visited recently...there Lire la suite

GSA Email Spider

GSA Email Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It provides benefits to your business and dramatically open up your new customer base with easy advertising! extract emails from a starting web site in addition to the email grabber you can search for phone and fax numbers send emails automated to your new customers harvest emails with the help of search engines 300+ included support for https web sites support for ssl only email providers like google mail send emails directly with internal snmp server pr Lire la suite

Advanced Privacy Cleaner Bar

Advanced Privacy Cleaner Bar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easily explore and selectively clear all evidence of your internet activity.

Advanced privacy cleaner can easily explore and selectively clean your internet explorer history cache cookies typed urls run history and recent documents , Advanced privacy cleaner is a useful explorer bar that can easily explore and selectively clean your internet explorer history cache cookies typed urls run history recent documents and index / The program allows...easil Lire la suite

Browser Defender

Browser Defender pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The toolbar also integrates with the search results provided by popular search engines such as google and yahoo! so you can see if it is safe to continue before you visit a site [...] Browser defender ensures safety when browsing internet.

The browser defender toolbar allows you to surf safely by displaying site ratings as you browse the internetthe t Lire la suite