cheap laptops


UpdateDateTime pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
For laptops it is sometimes difficult to change the battery [...] Ce logiciel remet le système à l'heure lorsque celle ci a été perdue à cause de la défaillance de la pile , Très pratique ce logiciel remet le système à l'heure quand la pile de la carte mère est épuisée / Concernant les ordinateurs portables il est parfois difficile de changer la pile.

Oubliez ceci grâce à mon programme ; Français : ...for l Lire la suite


Clowp pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Use your wallpapers on all your copmuters if you own several computers laptops notebooks or desktop pcs you probably have a different desktop wallpapers on each of them since selecting the same one on all of them can be a time consuming task.

However you can rely on clowp to simplify this job if you own several computers laptops notebooks or desktop pcs you probably have a different desktop wallpapers on each of them since selecting the same one on all of them can be a...use y Lire la suite

ViceVersa Free

ViceVersa Free pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Works with laptops desktops pcs usb drives hard disks network disks [...] Start synchronizing files and folders between computers laptops desktops floppy drives hard drives usb drives zip drives network drives , Synchronize files and folders across computers and disks.

For windows xp / vista a free file sync utility for windows that lets you compare and synchronize files and folders quickly and easily | Fast Lire la suite

CuteHotspot. WiFi hotspot software

CuteHotspot. WiFi hotspot software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
When they connect their laptops pdas or any other mobile devices to your access point wi fi hotspot and use the internet to surf the web read emails or chat via an instant messenger charge the customers of your cafe club shop hotel etc.

When they connect their laptops pdas or any other mobile devices to your access point wi fi hotspot and use the internet to surf the web read emails or chat via an instant messenger , Wireless billing...when Lire la suite

Dekart Private Disk Multifactor

Dekart Private Disk Multifactor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Disk encryption software that secures data on laptops usb disks and more [...] Disk encryption software that secures confidential data on laptops usb disks and other endpoint devices using aes 256 bit encryption smart card authentication and proactive disk firewall technology.

Disk encryption software that secures confidential data on laptops usb disks and other endpoint devices / Combines the industry standard nist certified aes 256 bit encryption ...disk Lire la suite

Key Control

Key Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Keep track of all items you give your employees credit cards laptops keys etc keep your assets under control [...] Keep track of all the items you give your employees credit cards laptops keys etc import/export data save reports as.

Easily assign assets to your employees and track them a variety of ways / Keep your assets under control | At a glance you will know which employees have been assigned assets ; Generate...keep Lire la suite

Adolix PDF Converter

Adolix PDF Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The cheap way to create high quality pdfs by converting anything printable [...] Pdf converter software , Create pdf in vista.

Convert pdf to image: tiff jpeg | Convert to pdf from any application by simply 'printing' to the adolix pdf converter printer ; Strong pdf security and many settings like colors and compression are available : Our software was awarded by several shareware sites with 5 star ratings because...the c Lire la suite

3D Fish School Screensaver

3D Fish School Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Advanced options of the screensaver allows you to run it on multi monitors old computers or laptops with maximum speed and quality.

See 3d schools of incredible fish swimming through an amazing underwater world , Turn your computer desktop into an incredible 3d underwater world / Watch schools of near realistic quality 3d fish swim among bubbles within beautiful underwater backgrounds | 3d fish school screensaver features schools of up...advan Lire la suite