bluetooth file transfer obex ftp j2me

Bluetooth File Transfer OBEX FTP J2ME

Bluetooth File Transfer OBEX FTP J2ME pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Medieval bluetooth file transfer obex ftp for j2me [midp 2 [...] Utilisez votre téléphone mobile pour parcourir explorer et gérer des fichiers sur n'importe quel appareil équipé du bluetooth file transfer profile obex ftp ! utilisez votre téléphone mobile pour parcourir explorer et gérer des fichiers sur n'importe quel appareil équipé du bluetooth! téléchargez envoyez explorez recherchez éditez créez supprimez et renommez des fichiers et des répertoires sur...medie Lire la suite

Bluetooth Stack Switcher

Bluetooth Stack Switcher pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Basculer rapidement entre bluetooth différentes piles [...] Basculer entre les différents bluetooth cheminées dans juste plusieurs secondes ou moins avec deux souris clique , Notez stacks bluetooth devraient être déjà installés et configurés / Note switcher de pile bluetooth ne contient elle pas tous les pilotes bluetooth toutes les piles de bluetooth nécessaires devraient être déjà installés et configurés.

Aucun...bascu Lire la suite

Bluetooth Advertising software

Bluetooth Advertising software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Bluetooth publicité [...] La publicité bluetooth et ses programmes envoient à tous les appareils sont équipes de l'application bluetooth sur un rayon de 150 métres , Avec bluetooth advertising software vous pourrez détecter les téléphones portables de vos clients et les périphériques qui supportent bluetooth pour ainsi pouvoir envoyer tout type de fichiers via cette technologie.

Il permet d'envoyer les fichiers sur des pda téléphones...bluet Lire la suite

Bluetooth Advertising Online

Bluetooth Advertising Online pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Blueads est un logiciel de marketing bluetooth système de marketing de proximité.

Un logiciel de marketing bluetooth système de marketing de proximité , En utilisant blueads vous pouvez envoyer facilement et gratuitement des promotions à vos clients ou vos clients potentielsbluea Lire la suite

Secure FTP Factory

Secure FTP Factory pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Comprend java ftp file transfer protocol java ftps ftp sur ssl java sftp ftp par ssh et java scp secure copy over ssh.

Composants java ftp sftp et scp , Secure ftp factory est un ensemble de composants java client pour le transfert sécurisé de fichierscompr Lire la suite

FTPshell Server

FTPshell Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It supports file transfer and shell access using ftp ftps sftp telnet and secure shell.

It supports file transfer and remote access using ftp ftps sftp telnet and secure shell , Ssh2 secure shell server and secure ftp server / Ftpshell server is a secure ftp server and ssh2 secure shell server available in a single software packageit su Lire la suite


Core FTP LE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Htaccess editing chmod and more! core ftp le a free secure ftp client with ssl/tls ssh/sftp http https idn modez fxp dragdrop browser integration user friendly interface s ftp/http proxy socks 4/5 support remote file searching queue manager auto retry and resume of transfers transfer bandwidth control htaccess editing advanced dir listings queueing of multiple ftp transfers on multiple sites sessions start stop and resume of ftp transfers advanced directory...htacc Lire la suite

Yummy FTP

Yummy FTP pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
A very fast very flexible and completely reliable file transfer utility wrapped up in a gorgeous and highly intuitive user interface.

Yummy ftp is an ftp ftp ssl/tls and sftp client that combines all the best features available in other file transfer solutions makes them better adds a wealth of its own uniquely powerful capabilities and then powers them all with a highly tuned ftp engine , The result is a very fast very flexible and completely reliable file...a ver Lire la suite


wodFtpDLX.NET pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Directly from our interface through diritems collection both ascii and binary transfer modes supported no matter if server allows them or not listdir and listnames methods for directory listing putfile and getfile for storing and retrieving files to file or to data stream putfiles getfiles deletefiles loopfiles for recursive uploads and downloads resume support passive and active data connections for ftp and ftps protocols blocking mode support set of...direc Lire la suite


wodFtpDLX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wodftpdlx is developed as two standalone components: com object that should be used when you want to do all file transfer in the background and is not visible on the form or gui activex version that has it's own explorer alike window where you can give end users ability to interact directly with the server features: ftp ftp+ssl with and without encrypted data channel and sftp ssh subsystem protocols certificate authentication where available or private key authentication for sftp...wodft Lire la suite

Fling FTP Software

Fling FTP Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software supports both file transfer protocol ftp and network file transfer.

Upload transfer or backup files with this full featured ftp software client , Fling is free ftp software to help you automate uploading or transferring files / It is typically used to maintain a web site on a remote hosted server or to automate backup of foldersthe s Lire la suite

Red Drive File Transfer Extension

Red Drive File Transfer Extension pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
File transfer extension that integrates with your windows explorer environment allowing you to drag drop open and edit files on remote servers without launching a separate file transfer client.

Red drive is a free file transfer extension that integrates with your windows explorer environment allowing you to drag drop open and edit files on remote servers without launching a separate file transfer client , Red drive supports various file transfer protocols...file Lire la suite

JSCAPE Secure FTP Server

JSCAPE Secure FTP Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Platform independent managed file transfer server that supports ftp secure ftp ftp over ssl http and https protocols [...] Jscape secure ftp server greatly simplifies the process of securely exchanging data with trading partners and automation of file transfer processes resulting in increased productivity and immediate return on investment.

Platform independent secure ftp server with support for ftps ftp and http/s / Jscape secure ftp server greatly...platf Lire la suite


ALFTP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Transfer queues simplify file management.

Simply open a file as normal make your edits save as normal in your editing program e , Selecting large numbers of files from different locations is easy with a transfer queue much like an online shopping cart / The transfer queue also lets you keep track of current transfers | More details in the status bar keep you informed about disk size percent complete bytes transferred transfer speed ...trans Lire la suite

AceFTP 3 Freeware

AceFTP 3 Freeware pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This robust software has high upload and download speeds and enables you to perform multiple file transfers simultaneously.

It enables you to perform multiple file transfers simultaneously , Windows xp style interface ability to store and configure your connections using the explorer style advanced site manager ability to make server to server file transfers ability to open several ftp sites easily ability to execute multiple file transfers...this Lire la suite

AceFTP 3 Pro

AceFTP 3 Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A powerful and secure file transfer solution the aceftp 3 pro ftp program emphasizes total control security efficiency and simplicity.

New features of aceftp 3 pro include: windows xp style interface ssl security protocol integration password protection increased firewall support file transfer scheduler improved management of queued files , Discover the power of this advanced ftp client solution designed in such a way that both novices...a pow Lire la suite

BigSpeed File Sharing SDK

BigSpeed File Sharing SDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Client/server components for secure private file sharing [...] Client/server components for secure private file transfer and remote management , Bigspeed file sharing sdk includes two activex controls client and server that dramatically simplify and accelerate the development of private file sharing solutions over the internet.

In addition to standard ftp operations such as upload download rename delete etc | Sample applications are...clien Lire la suite

nBit Easy FTP DLL

nBit Easy FTP DLL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
An optional file transfer dialog shows the end user how long their download or upload has to go [...] Evaluation version limits file transfers to a 35kb maximum size.

An ftp activex component for software developers / An ftp component as an activex dll for software developers | Upload files download files delete files create and remove ftp sever directories and list the files in those directories ; Includes the source op Lire la suite


CamUniversal pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
The functions which are started at detection are: video recording with timestamp! picture capturing external program execution log file creation sound playing ftp transfer email sending and more! additional there is a scheduler working for all further video demands [...] Camuniversal for all webcams netcams and video devices! camuniversal is the ultimate solution for all of your video demands.

It supports webcams netcams ip cams and all video devices which...the f Lire la suite

CoffeeCup Free FTP

CoffeeCup Free FTP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Coffeecup free ftp is an easy to use ftp client for file uploads and downloads.

It also offers an optional auto refresh on each file upload or download and optional ftp log transcription , It allows you to use an unlimited number of ftp accounts resume broken downloads and transfer files in binary ascii or auto mode / It allows you to use an unlimited number of ftp accounts resume broken downloads and transfer files in binary ascii or auto...coffe Lire la suite