best selfie ever

Best Mass Mailer

Best Mass Mailer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Communicate with customers using the best mass mailer and your mailing lists [...] Manage mailing lists create email messages and send them over the internet as well as maintain a number of separate mailing lists for different audiences and needs.

Message templates can be used to personalize your email messages / Program's database lets you store and use email addresses names of your customers and up to 7 custom fieldscommu Lire la suite

Best Network Security

Best Network Security pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The best solution for corporations universities schools public libraries etc.

The best solution for corporations universities schools public libraries internet cafes etc , Best network security is the best solution for corporations universities schools public libraries internet cafes and other applications where administrator has to secure and maintain a lot of network pc workstations located in different places / Best network security is...the b Lire la suite

Best Fiends iOS

Best Fiends iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Best fiends sur ios est un beau mélange de puzzle game de casse tête et de stratégie pour la gestion des équipes [...] Best fiends est en effet un jeu dans la droite lignée du hit de king mais aussi plus profond avec ses éléments de jeu de rôle et ses créatures à faire monter de niveau.

L'histoire de best fiends est celle des oiseaux contre les cochons des insectes contre les limaces / Fans de candy crush réjouissez vous voici qu'arrive Lire la suite

Best Mail Server

Best Mail Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Best mail server est un programme facile à utiliser puissant de mail server de smtp pop3 conçu pour répondre aux exigences de l'organisation énorme dans la transmission de messages à fort débit [...] Permet d'envoyer des emails directement à partir de votre ordinateur.

Il est simple léger et fiable ; il a des dispos / Il est simple léger et fiable ; il a des dispositifs de sécurité pour empêcher des attaques de ddos et pour bloquer Lire la suite

Best Windows Mail to Outlook Converter

Best Windows Mail to Outlook Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Convertisseur windows mail vers outlook pour migrer vers un nouveau client de messagerie.

La solution ultime pour la conversion des messages et contacts entre windows mail et microsoft outlook rend le processus de migration beaucoup plus facile en seulement quelques clics , Windows mail et microsoft outlook sont tous deux des produits microsoft et très populaire mais ils utilisent des formats différents pour stocker les données des messages et des...conve Lire la suite

Best data recovery

Best data recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Best data recovery program gets back lost directories from virus infected drives micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted or crashed.

Best data recovery program easily retrieves missing official document audio songs video clips digital images and other typ micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted Lire la suite

Best Mortgage Rates Calculator

Best Mortgage Rates Calculator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Best mortgage rates calculator est un outil puissant pour aider quiconque à trouver le meilleur taux hypothécaire et par conséquent le taux d'intérêt.

Outil pour aider à trouver le meilleur taux hypothécairebest Lire la suite

Best SMTP Server

Best SMTP Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fast and secure smtp/pop3 server [...] Lots of features against spam and ddos.

Compatible with any mail client / Lots of security and anti spam features | Multiple smtp gateways for messages that cannot be delivered directly ; Parameterized mailing lists : Ultra fast smtp/pop3 server program [...] Can be used as a corporate or personal server , Use with any smtp compliant Lire la suite

Best Music Organizer

Best Music Organizer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Music organizer facilement avec les meilleures musique organisateur [...] Music organizer facilement avec la meilleure musique organisateur.

Avec une telle musique mp3 de puissants organisateur tous les fichiers de musique mp3 sera automatiquement trié organisé et renommé / Organisez les fichiers de musique de trier les fichiers de musique mp3 organizer trier et renommer automatiquement des collections mp3music Lire la suite

Best Ottawa's landscapes

Best Ottawa's landscapes pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ecrant de veille gratuit comprenant 24 beaux paysages d' ottawa canada [...] Il montre au hasard 24 pleins écrans avec de meilleur les paysages ottawa.

Quand vous le clôturez il vous souhaite en anglais une bonne journée / Ecrant de veille gratuit comprenant 24 beaux paysages d' ottawa canada | Après d' une présentation animée courte et d' une projection panoramique du fleuve ottawa il montre au hasard...ecran Lire la suite

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
"t t t trick or t t t treat?" do the eggheads get scrambled? poached? deviled? do they survive? what terrors lie in wait? or does old man skelly have the best candy in the neighborhood? find out what happens to our scared little eggheads and download this year's altools spooky haunted house halloween desktop wallpapers.

Old man skelly chuckled at the thought of the house being abandoned as he watched the children step ever closer towards his front..."t t Lire la suite

DivX Create Bundle (incl. DivX Player)

DivX Create Bundle (incl. DivX Player) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Offering the best combination of quality performance and compression of any video codec on the market divx pro is the digital video codec of choice for professional filmmakers and discerning amateur enthusiasts alike [...] The divx player is capable of playing every divx file ever created with integrated support for advanced features of the divx media format and special enhancements for hd playback providing the ideal way to enjoy all your divx videos.

Create divx...offer Lire la suite

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Advanced uninstaller pro is the best uninstaller for windows [...] Advanced uninstaller pro is the most complete uninstaller program ever created.

Advanced uninstaller pro uninstall programs completely clean your registry / You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface | You can also remove items that other uninstallers can't even touch ; It can uninstall programs quickly and completely...advan Lire la suite


Wexpire pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wexpire is the best tool ever made to get the domain name expiration dates and emails of taken websites [...] Vous aide à trouver les noms de domaines expirants , Wexpire scans for expiring or expired domain names over internet / It extracts from main web search engines taken domain names.

It also extracts administrative contact emails and expiration date ; You can add filter order extracted : You can add ...wexpi Lire la suite

Space Exploration 3D Screensaver

Space Exploration 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You get to float through some of the best known constellations like the big dipper and get a great view of the milky way [...] Embark on your own exploratory voyage with this screensaver of unparalled beauty! the rings of saturn have puzzled astronomers ever since they were discovered by galileo in 1610 during the first telescopic observations of the night sky.

Have you ever dreamed of getting a chance to see them with your own eyes? this screensaver is an g Lire la suite

CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder

CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
We use our own cool combination of flash xml and php; the best part is you don't have to know any code.

A drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable web forms ! coffeecup flash form builder is a drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable web forms you have ever seen , Add input boxes text areas lists drop down boxes check boxes radio buttons and more ! coffeecup flash form builder is a drag and drop program that creates the...we us Lire la suite


RentMaster pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you have ever had problems with overbooking missed a sale just because you thought you don't have available products to rent or are wasting your time on charts trying to keep track of your inventory schedule deliveries and pickups then rentmaster is your best choice.

A rental management software for party/event planning businesses , Rentmaster is a rental management software designed for small to medium size businesses involved in party rental/event planning...if yo Lire la suite

Music Trio

Music Trio pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The net's best mp3 tools bundled [...] Music trio comes with all the mp3 tools you will ever need tag editor music organizer and audio converter for a measly 7 cent/kb , Music trio comes with all the mp3 tools you will ever need tag editor music organizer and audio converter for a measly 7 cents per kilobyte.

Is it legal to sell it so cheap? if you like mp3 tools but hate paying absurdly high prices for software here is your chance to get a...the n Lire la suite

The Lost Watch 3D Screensaver

The Lost Watch 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
And the best part that's not even the point [...] Lost watch screensaver is probably the most unusual 3d screensaver you'll ever find.

Lost watch screensaver is probably the most unusual 3d screensaver you'll ever see / It's an exact replica of an 18th century abraham louis breguet's timepiece made by a man who is often called the greatest genius of watchmaking who ever lived | Lost watch screensaver ; The net's most unusual...and t Lire la suite

Surfpack Startpage

Surfpack Startpage pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
And best of all it's free! no nags ads or spyware attached [...] Broken url restoring ever tried to cut and paste long urls broken by email program? clipboard url module will do this boring work for you.

Create a start page with your favorite rss xml html newsfeeds and bookmarks / Surfpack startpage builds a single html page that contains all your favorite web resources displayed any way you like url links newsfeeds or entire web...and b Lire la suite