at t lte speeds


PCSpeedUP pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
We made this software to bring you real results so that you can enjoy things happening at a faster pace [...] Add an extra speed boost for real time effect we included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed , Then pcspeedup defragments your hard drive cleans up the registry tweaks system and internet settings and speeds up system shutdown to make your pc visibly faster.

Pcspeedup helps to work your pc ...we ma Lire la suite

Deep In Space

Deep In Space pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Ce qui est au delà du système solaire? y at il d'autres civilisations? les profondeurs inexplorées de l'espace lointain ont toujours excité l'imagination de l'humanité [...] Y a t il d'autres civilisations ? les profondeurs inexplorées de l'espace lointain ont toujours excité l'imagination de l'humanité.

Y a t il d'autres civilisations ? cet écran de veille va vous permettre de faire un merveilleux voyage dans l'espace profond avec notre vaisseau...ce qu Lire la suite

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This halloween the eggheads at altools are out and about trick or treating in 3 spectacular desktop wallpapers.

It all starts out as a "normal" halloween with the eggheads trick or treating for candy around the neighborhood but near the end of the night they find themselves at the end of pumpkin lane in front of old man skelly's haunted house , Old man skelly chuckled at the thought of the house being abandoned as he watched the children step ever closer towards...this Lire la suite

RocketReader Professional

RocketReader Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Read faster and become more efficient at work [...] Rocketreader professional builds the powerful reading skills you need to slice through your reading pile at work , You can use rocketreader professional on up to three computers eg at home in the office on the laptop / You achieve faster reading speeds and improve your comprehension reading stamina and vocabulary range.

Ideal for busy professionals ; You can practice Lire la suite

Dino Glade Advanced

Dino Glade Advanced pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Both herbivores and carnivores live in harmony at this dino glade [...] 5 different types of the dinosaurs: ceratops diplodocus iguanodon raptor and t rex are walking and the fifth type of dino pteranodon is flying in the air , Animated 3d screensaver with 6 types of dinosaurs 3 scenes and visual effects / Dino glade original screensaver by gamefalls.

Com ; Professional 3dgraphics picturesque landscapes 6 different...both Lire la suite

LinkAssistant SEO Software

LinkAssistant SEO Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Powerful seo software to create a successful link building campaign at ease [...] Link assistant professional is effective seo software that speeds up the process of creating effective backlinks organizes them into a link directory and keeps track of all your link partners to achieve excellent search positions for your website.

Linkassistant professional is powerful seo software that will become the best assistant in your link building campaign / It finds...power Lire la suite

Planet Neptune 3D Screensaver

Planet Neptune 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is never visible with the naked eye so your only chance to have a good look at it is if you download this high quality planet neptune 3d screensaver.

Neptune is never visible with the naked eye so your only chance to have a good look at it is if you download this high quality planet neptune 3d screensaver , Neptune's atmosphere has the highest wind speeds in the solar system up to 2000 km/h / A high quality 3d model of the outermost gas giant is Lire la suite

Planet Saturn 3D Screensaver

Planet Saturn 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
In fact its density is so low that it would float if it was placed in water! visually saturn is flattened at the poles due to the quick rotation on its axis.

The winds in its atmosphere reach speeds up to 1700 kilometers per hour! saturn is known for its extensive ring system which is formed by a thousand individual rings , This is an extraordinary 3d representation of the fascinating ringed planet / Saturn has the lowest density of any planet in fa Lire la suite

The Wright Money Manager

The Wright Money Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Track all your checking savings credit cards loans etc at once [...] At one time , * find your financial position at any time with just the click of a button / * speeds entry with auto complete fields | Easiest way to manage checking savings credit etc & prepare for taxes.

Easiest way there is to balance a checkbook or any other type of account ! manages all personal accounts in one place : Avoids balance...track Lire la suite

4Musics WMA Bitrate Changer

4Musics WMA Bitrate Changer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Change wma bitrate in one click at high speed and quality! change wma bitrate in one click at high speed and quality! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor.

Change wma bitrate in one click at high speed and quality! the beauty of using 4musics wma bitrate changer is that it works from the right click menu on a file , Fixed...chang Lire la suite

4Musics WMA to MP3 Converter

4Musics WMA to MP3 Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wma to mp3 format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wma to mp3 format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor.

Fixed bugs: crashing at start/exit during load/saving settings; crashing when many files were added with "add folder" button; delays at start w Lire la suite

4Musics WMA to OGG Converter

4Musics WMA to OGG Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wma to ogg format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wma to ogg format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor [...] Fixed bugs: crashing at start/exit during load/saving settings; crashing when many files were added with "add folder" button; delays at start w Lire la suite

4Musics WMA to WAV Converter

4Musics WMA to WAV Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wma to wav format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wma to wav format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor; one way converting from wma to wav format! the beauty of using 4musics wma to wav converter is that it works from the right click menu on a file. w Lire la suite

Privacy Guardian

Privacy Guardian pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is suitable for microsoft internet explorer and netscape internet browsers and can be set to automatically protect your privacy at regular intervals.

Privacy guardian also restores valuable hard drive space and speeds up system performance by cleaning out old and unused temporary records , Powerful privacy software to clear online internet tracks and program activity / Privacy guardian is a safe and easy to use privacy protection tool that is Lire la suite


BurstCopy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
All transfer confirmations such as the move and overwrite of files are displayed at the beginning of the transfer [...] Also for the demanding user the current transfer rate is displayed at all times; most transfer confirmations can be permanently disabled; and the skinnable interface allows the creation of non standard transfer windows , High transfer speeds are achieved by using dynamic buffers in order to reduce seek times.

A hard drive accelerator...all t Lire la suite


StrongSearch pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This multi threaded utility lets users set several masks at the same time.

This multi threaded search tool lets users set several masks at the same time and conduct multiple searches simultaneously which speeds up the search tremendously , Strongsearch is an effective and flexible lan file search utility / Strongsearch is an effective and flexible lan file search utility that produces exact matches to your search criteria quickly and reliably ...this Lire la suite

Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery iOS

Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Five nights at freddy's ar : special delivery est un jeu d'horreur en réalité augmentée comme pokémon go.

Five nights at freddy's débarque dans le monde réel avec un terrifiant jeu en réalité augmentée , Five nights at freddy's ar : special delivery est un jeu d'horreur en réalité augmentée à la manière d'un ingress ou pokémon go / Dans ce titre les animatronics comme freddy ou chica tenteront de vous...five Lire la suite

Five Nights at Freddy's AR : Special Delivery Android

 Five Nights at Freddy's AR : Special Delivery Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Retrouvez freddy et les autres animatronics dans ce terrifiant jeu en réalité augmentée ! five nights at freddy's revient dans un jeu mobile terrifiant ! freddy et tout ses amis arrivent dans notre monde grâce à ce titre en réalité augmentée.

Five night at freddy's est une série de jeux d'horreur très populaire , Cette fois les animatronics du jeu ont décidé d'envahir le monde réel ! plongez vous dans l'univers de la...retro Lire la suite

Ligue des Champions Calendrier 2019 (Phase de groupes)

Ligue des Champions Calendrier 2019 (Phase de groupes) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Téléchargez le calendrier officiel de la phase de poules de l'uefa champions league pour la saison 2019 2020 le calendrier officiel de la ligue des champions avec les dates des matchs pour les 8 poules comprenant les équipes qualifiées qui remportera la prestigieuse coupe aux grandes oreilles pour la saison 2019 2020 ? l'ajax d'amsterdam parviendra t il a réitérer son exploit de la saison dernière en se hissant jusqu'en finale ? le fc liverpool ramènera t il...télà Lire la suite

Calendrier Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2019 PDF

Calendrier Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2019 PDF pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Qui remportera cette 9e édition ? la nouvelle zélande tenante du titre parviendra t elle à transformer l'essai en remportant trois coupes du monde d'affilée ? ce sont les questions que les fans d'ovalie se posent [...] Le calendrier pdf officiel de la neuvième édition de la coupe du monde de rugby.

Téléchargez le calendrier officiel de la coupe du monde de rugby à xv / Cette édition se déroulera cette année au...qui r Lire la suite