apk clock and weather widget

APK Analyzer Android

APK Analyzer Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Un utilitaire android très efficace et open source permettant de vérifier l'authenticité d'une application android apk analyzer est un utilitaire android permettant d'analyser en détail le contenu des packages android fichiers d'installation des applications.

Apk analyzer est un utilitaire élaboré par le développeur martin styk ,   vous pouvez en effet explorer le contenu des apk android packages les fameux fichiers d'installation...un ut Lire la suite

Apk Downloader Extension Android

Apk Downloader Extension Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Récupérez directement les apk de vos applications favorites plus besoin d'accéder google play ou android market pour avoir une application [...] Tout cela est impossible? plus maintenant avec l'application apk downloader extension , Apk downloader extension est une application spécialement dédiée pour android qui permet de télécharger des applications présentes sur le google play ou sur l'android market.

En...récu Lire la suite

Sense Flip Clock & Weather Android

Sense Flip Clock & Weather Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 2/5
Sense flip clock & weather android une horloge météo extrêmement pratique pour votre smartphone et tablette tactile.

Téléchargez gratuitement l'application android sense flip clock & weather et profitez de la météo en continu sur votre smartphone et tablette , L’application sense flip clock & weather android réunit sous une forme de widget personnalisable une horloge et une météo / Outre les conditions...sense Lire la suite

Active Alarm Clock

Active Alarm Clock pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
Not only does it display time in the hour and minute fashion the clock also displays date time for any time zone current weather conditions forecasts and alarm clock [...] Designed as a more informative substitution for a standard tray clock in windows , Not only does it display time in the hour and minute fashion the clock also displays date system uptime time for any time zone current weather conditions forecasts and alarm clock.

Active alarm...not o Lire la suite

Battery Optimizer and Widget Android

Battery Optimizer and Widget Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Boostez la batterie de votre smartphone android facilement en téléchargeant l’application gratuite battery optimizer and widget.

Battery optimizer and widget est une application android gratuite conçue pour vous aider à économiser la batterie de votre smartphone , Economisez la batterie de votre smartphone en toute simplicité grâce à l’application battery optimizer and widget android / Battery optimizer and widget...boost Lire la suite

Dragon Ace Android (Dragon Poker)

Dragon Ace Android (Dragon Poker) pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Download the apk of dragon ace right now just press the blue button below.

Dragon ace ou dragon poker est un savant mélange de rpg et de de poker il s'agit surtout d'une déclinaison de puzzle and dragons avec des cartes des couleurs des pouvoirs spéciaux et un gameplay original , Mêlant poker et puzzle game dragon ace va vous faire oublier le temps qui passe / La version anglaise de dragon poker le célèbre jeu qui même...downl Lire la suite

Météo 3.0 (Windows Phone)

Météo 3.0 (Windows Phone) pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
0 : new weather service with many new countries and cities added transparent tiles for windows phone 8 [...] 1 added a large tile with more information new search system of cities on a external database ability to scroll through several towns on the dynamic tile new style background for the tile ability to associate events to the weather changing the user experience with design updates.

Consultez rapidement et simplement la météo de votre ville de france ou de...0 : Lire la suite

Pixel Art Clock Widget

Pixel Art Clock Widget pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
L’application pixel art clock widget le propose notamment d’une manière assez originale et configurable [...] Un widget leur est alors plus pratique et pas n’importe lequel car avec pixel art clock widget on peut avoir diverses décorations sur nos cubes pixellisés.

Gratuite et facile à configurer il serait regrettable de ne pas profiter de pixel art clock widget qui fait office de décor de votre terminal mobile en même...l’a Lire la suite

Havvas Weather

Havvas Weather pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Havvas weather est un logiciel qui vous propose un widget météo semblable à celui que l’on peut trouver sur certains smartphones.

Certains prennent la forme d’un fond d’écran et d’autres comme havvas weather préfèrent le concept de widget , Havvas weather est simple à configurer / Havvas weather est un programme gratuit et élégant qui trouvera facilement sa place sur votre bureau pour...havva Lire la suite

Large Weather Icons

Large Weather Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Sunny and cloudy weather mist hail fog and snow weather icons are available with full online previews [...] Thanks to the huge maximum size of 512x512 pixels large weather icons are ideal for all types of software applications web sites and presentations.

Large weather icons depict a variety of weather conditions in all standard sizes large weather icons depict a variety of weather conditions in all standard sizes from 16x16 to 512x512 pixels / Large...sunny Lire la suite

WareSoft Sudoku

WareSoft Sudoku pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you push the solve button and change your mind it will add 4 seconds to the clock too.

It is a simple and fun game of logic , All that you need is your brains and concentration / To solve sudoku you must enter numbers 1 9 in each row without repeating any numbers and not repeat any numbers in a 3x3 grid either | With 3 levels of difficulty it will be sure to please beginners and pros alike ; It will let you know which...if yo Lire la suite

System Tray Cleaner

System Tray Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The windows system tray also called the systray is the lower right corner of your screen near the clock display where windows dumps some programs most of the time programs which load during windows startup.

Quickly and easily remove unwanted items from your windows system tray , System tray cleaner is a simple tool that helps you quickly and easily remove unwanted icons from your windows system traythe w Lire la suite

Waterfalls Symphony Screensaver

Waterfalls Symphony Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
More features like analog clock and date are included into waterfalls symphony screensaver.

Download and install free waterfalls screensaver! you will find realistic waterfalls effects wide variety of butterflies and dragonflies crazy fish jumping off the sea and exotic birds spiders wood deers and more animals! dip into the nature with relaxing realistic sounds! we think waterfalls are the most fascinating and charming places on earth , You will find realistic...more Lire la suite

Garden In The Depth Screensaver

Garden In The Depth Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Forget everyday problems and relax with new garden in the depth screensaver! underwater garden is not less splendid and attractive! install this graphic free screensaver with digital clock natural underwater sounds and a lot of settings.

Lovely coralls algae tropical fish dolphins loggerhead turtles sea urchins and stars will take their place! underwater garden is not less splendid and attractive! install this graphic free screensaver with digital clock natural underwater...forge Lire la suite

Power Reminder

Power Reminder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
When the alarm goes off it displays a balloon notification near the clock area for a few seconds [...] Never miss important moments with reliable and unobtrusive alarms and reminders , Never miss important moments in your life with reliable alarms and reminders with unique unobtrusive notifications! power reminder was designed deliberately to remind and not to disturb you.

And it easily handles the multitude of alarms for you! never miss important...when Lire la suite

Mortgage Rates

Mortgage Rates pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mortgage rates on any page with our paste and go web widget want to help website visitors keep up with ever changing u.

Mortgage rates? just copy and paste mortgage rates widget to your web page and immediately give your visitors an attractive easy to use tool to monitor current mortgage rates , The mortgage rates widget is a mortgage rate tracking widget that can be placed on any web page by just copying and pasting a small bit of html / Attractive...mortg Lire la suite

Mortgage Loan Calculator

Mortgage Loan Calculator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Powerful mortgage/loan calculator widget you can copy and paste to your web page mlcalc [...] Com hosts full featured mortgage and loan calculators , Both calculators display an attractive easy to understand amortization schedule and using this widget webmasters can easily feature these calculators on their sites.

Featuring property tax insurance and pmi mlcalc's mortgage/loan calculators deliver the bottom line on several types of loans and display...power Lire la suite

Screensavers and Wallpapers Toolbar

Screensavers and Wallpapers Toolbar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Download free screensavers and wallpapers toolbar! saversplanet toolbar ehances capabilities of your browser [...] You will get tens of gadgets live radio weather panel powerful internet search e mail notifier free screensavers different wallpapers and more.

Download it now! saversplanet toolbar ehances capabilities of your browser and gives you instant access to the important features / Download it now and get full power of your...downl Lire la suite

Spyware 24x7

Spyware 24x7 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Around the clock protection from spyware adware and malware.

Spyware24x7 provide around the clock protection from spyware adware and malware , Powered by lavasoft's antispyware software solution spyware 24x7 pro offers advanced real time protection while protecting your computer and your indentity / Powered by lavasoft's antispyware software solution spyware 24x7 pro offers advanced real time protection while protecting your computer your...aroun Lire la suite

Underwater Clock Bubbles Screensaver

Underwater Clock Bubbles Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Decorate your windows desktop with a colorful clock and bubbles.

Decorate your windows desktop with a big colorful clock soothing underwater visual effects and bubbles flowing on the screen , Do you want to know the exact time? just decorate your windows desktop with a big colorful clock and sink it in the sea bottom! the soothing underwater visual effects and transparent bubbles flowing on the screen wash away the tiredness and stress of a long business...decor Lire la suite