a2dcrypt 2048 bits encryption software

A2DCrypt 2048 Bits v2.0

A2DCrypt 2048 Bits v2.0 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Cracker vos documents chiffrés avec a2dcrypt reviendrait à attendre 7.

De plus a2dcrypt est simple d'utilisation léger et compatible , L'algorithme a2dcrypt à été conçu pour résister à la cryptanalyse actuelle / La puissance et la rapidité de a2dcrypt réside dans l'algorithme: quatre boîtes de substitution une fonction logique assurant un brouillage extrêmement efficace un algorithme de permutation inédit sur le bock de 2048 bits ...crack Lire la suite

A2DCrypt 2048 Bits Encryption

A2DCrypt 2048 Bits Encryption pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Il crypt vos documents confidentiels avec un algorithme 2048bits conçu pour résister à la cryptanalyse actuelle a2dcrypt est un logiciel de cryptage de fichiers de toutes sortes.

Compatible léger rapide sécurisé il apportera satisfaction aux particuliers et aux entreprises désirant protéger efficacement leurs données sensibles: quatre boites de substitution de valeurs conçues pour lutter contre la cryptanalyse linéaire une fonctions booléennes bijectives un...il cr Lire la suite

Advanced Encryption Package Professional

Advanced Encryption Package Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
128 2048 bit file encryption secure file deletion self decrypting files.

Strong file protection by 128 2048 bit encryption aes 256 bit and rsa 2048 bit are also supported , The windows 7 compatible file encryption software with ability to encrypt/decrypt/securely delete your files / Secure file deletion is also supported: u | S ; Dod 5200 : 28 gost p50739 95 and others [...] Usb flash drives can...128 2 Lire la suite

TeamViewer Android

TeamViewer Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
A l'instar de la version sur ordinateur l'application dispose des mêmes normes de sécurité à savoir le codase de session aes 256 bits et l'échange de clés rsa 2048 bits [...] Teamviewer sur vos appareils android n'attendez plus d'être devant un ordinateur pour en gérer un autre à distance.

Désormais avec teamviewer où que vous soyez et à n'importe quel moment utilisez votre appareil android pour contrôler utiliser et...a l'i Lire la suite

Ace Locker

Ace Locker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Chaque trousseau est composé de 4 verrous aléatoires de 256 bits servant au chiffrement récursif des données [...] Principales fonctionnalités de ace locker : encryptage et le décryptage de documents chiffrement à 1024 bits utilisation de trousseaux de clés sécurisés et verrouillés création de sommes de contrôles sha2 checksum destruction sécurisée de fichiers wiping ...chaqu Lire la suite

Express Dictate - Logiciel enregistreur de dictée

Express Dictate - Logiciel enregistreur de dictée pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fonctionnalités : enregistrement audio numérique du traitement des signaux avec dsp 32 bits de qualité supérieure.

à propos de nch software nch software est un leader du secteur des logiciels audio vidéo musique mp3 cd dvd téléphonie dictées transcription entreprise et utilitaires informatiques pour windows palm pocket pc et mac os x , Logiciel de dictée professionnel pour enregistrer et...fonct Lire la suite

Flash Cookie Cleaner

Flash Cookie Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Flash cookies are small bits of data saved by websites you visit similar to browser cookies [...] Awarded the top software award from downloadtube.

Find view and clean flash cookies with this freeware application / Find view and clean flash cookies with flash cookie cleaner a freeware application from consumersoft | Comflash Lire la suite


Crypt4Free pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free file and email encryption software [...] Crypt4free freeware is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages.

Support for zip files and ability to secure delete sensitive files / Skinnable user friendly interface | The latest version includes "privacy master" tool to erase all personal traces on computerfree Lire la suite

Flexcrypt -Encrypt made easy

Flexcrypt -Encrypt made easy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free encryption software [...] Free encryption software that provides encryption of: text email files msn icq and hard drive , Encryption is done with aes 256 bit + password or open pgp / Free encryption software that provides encrypted communication encrypted storage and secure delete.

Encryption is done with aes 256 bit encryption or open pgp ; Encrypts emails files drives text and msn : One click...free Lire la suite

Python Code Library

Python Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Python code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! python code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite

ASP Code Library

ASP Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Asp code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! asp code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite

ASP.NET Code Library

ASP.NET Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Asp / Net code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 50 000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! asp | Net code library is a powerful multi language...passw Lire la suite

SQL Code Library

SQL Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Sql code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 50 000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! sql code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite

C Code Library

C Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5 [...] Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows.

C code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! c code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following benefits: ...passw Lire la suite

C++ Code Library

C++ Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , C++ code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 50 000++ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! c++ code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite

SafeHouse Personal File Encryption

SafeHouse Personal File Encryption pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Safehouse features military strength encryption which is completely transparent to the way you work and compatible with all windows applications.

This software is amazingly simple to use and works on all drives including external usb devices memory sticks and cd/dvds , Safehouse protects hides and encrypts your sensitive documents and folders / Safehouse provides total privacy and protection for your sensitive files and folders using passwords and...safeh Lire la suite

SafeHouse Professional File Encryption

SafeHouse Professional File Encryption pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Safehouse features military strength encryption which is completely transparent to the way you work and compatible with all windows applications [...] This software is amazingly simple to use and works on all drives including external usb devices memory sticks and cd/dvds , Safehouse protects hides and encrypts your sensitive documents and folders.

Safehouse provides total privacy and protection for your sensitive files and folders using passwords and...safeh Lire la suite


EncryptMe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Powerful user friendly encryption software for any files: documents images etc encryptme is a software product that is used to encrypt any user files documents images etc [...] Encryptme is a software product that is used to encrypt any user files documents images etc , And limit access to your information.

The program uses the aes algorithm with the 256 bit key length to encrypt data | The program uses the aes algorithm with the 256...power Lire la suite

VB Code Library

VB Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Vb code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! vb code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite

Delphi Code Library

Delphi Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption optional 5.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Delphi code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! delphi code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following...passw Lire la suite